
Artificial Vision & Neural Engineering

Lab Members

Sein Kim, M.S.

Research Intern (Sep 2024 - present)
Research Interests

In-vitro neural recording and signal processing,

M.S. Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Korea University, Seoul, Korea              Sep. 2022 – Aug. 2024
(Advised by Dr. Maesoon Im at KIST and Prof. Hyung-Min Lee at Korea University)

B.S. Electronic Engineering at Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea                        Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2022

Undergraduate Intern

 Jul. 2021 ~ Aug. 2021

at Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Ewha Womans University




Research Intern

 Sep. 2021 ~ Aug. 2022

at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)



  1. Kim, S., Roh, H., and Im, M. (2022). Artificial visual information produced by retinal prostheses. Front Cell Neurosci. 16, 9111754. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.911754
  2. Roh, H.*, Kim, S.*, Lee, H. M., and Im, M. (2024). Quantitative analyses of how optimally heterogeneous neural codes maximize neural information in jittery transmission environments. Scientific Reports 14. 29623. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-81029-2



  1. Kim, S.*, Roh, H.*, and Im, M. (2022). “Neural information of artificial vision varies depending on mean firing rate and spiking duration”, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO’22)
  2. Kim, S., An, N. M., Roh, H., Kim, J. H., and Im, M. (2022). “Human subject gaze tracking and artificial neural network saliency maps during visual recognition of phosphene array face images for artificial vision”, The Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences (KSBNS’22), Incheon, Korea
  3. An, N. M., Roh, H., Kim, S., Kim, J. H., and Im, M. (2023). “Reinforcement Learning Framework to Simulate Short-Term Learning Effects of Human Psychophysical Experiments Assessing the Quality of Artificial Vision”, International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN’ 23), Queensland, Australia 
  4. Kim, D. E.*, Kim, S.*, Shim, S.*, Park, B., Jung, Y., Kim, J. H., and Im, M. (2023). “Low-cost multielectrode array system for color vision study using digital micromirror device projector”, The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’23), Sydney, Australia
  5. Kim, S., Kim, D. E., Shim, S., Park, B., Jung, Y., Kim, J. H., and Im, M. (2023). “Intercellular correlation levels of retinal ganglion cell spiking activities in responses to various natural images”, The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’23), Sydney, Australia
  6. Kim, S., and Im, M. (2023). “Both Spiking Heterogeneity and Neural Information Vary in the Primary Visual Cortex Depending on Stimulus Types”, The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’23), Sydney, Australia 
  7. Kim, D. E., Kim, S., Shim, S., Park, B., Kim, J. H., and Im, M. (2023). “Retinal Degeneration Increases Variability of Firing Pattern in Ganglion Cells to Light Stimulation”, The Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences (KSBNS’23), Busan, Korea
  8. Im, M., Kim, D., Roh, H., Kim, S., Kim, D. E., Kim, M., Yi, D., Kim, S. Y., and Kwon, S. (2023). “Molecular alterations in the isoforms of HCN channels within the retina during the advancement of outer retinal degeneration in rd10 mice”, The Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences (KSBNS’23), Busan, Korea
  9. Kim, S., Kim, D. E., Kim, M., and Im, M. †, “Comparative analysis of clustering methods with spiking activities for classification of retinal ganglion cell types,” The 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’24), Orlando, FL, USA, Jul. 15-19, 2024.
  10. Kim, D. E., Kim, S., Min, B., and Im, M.†, “Retinal degeneration increases variabilities of light-evoked spiking activities in ganglion cells depending on stimulus contrast,” The 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’24), Orlando, FL, USA, Jul. 15-19, 2024.


  1. Shim, H., Kim, S., and Im, M. (2023). “An Efficient Way to Create Artificial Vision Phosphene Images using XAI”, The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Seoul, Korea
  2. Kim, S., Shim, H., Lee, H., and Im, M. (2024). “Performance Comparison Depending on Electrode Conditions of Artificial Retinal Prosthesis using Deep Learning Method”, The Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (KMEMS’ 24), Jeju, Korea