Artificial Vision & Neural Engineering
An array of silicon dual microneedle electrodes integrated with mini-LEDs for electrophysiological recording and simultaneos application of electrical…
Silicon Solar cell-integrated flexible retinal prosthesis for artificial vision
Efficiency of Combined Optogenetic and Electric Stimulation Depending on Amplitude and Waveform of Electric Stimulation in Mouse Retina
Comparative analysis of clustering methods with spiking activities for classification of retinal ganglion cell types
Retinal degeneration increases variabilities of light-evoked spiking activities in ganglion cells depending on stimulus contrast
Bipolar microneedle electrode array reduces current spreading during electric stimulation for high-resolution retinal prosthesis
Clustering of delayed electrical responses for better classification of OFF types of retinal ganglion cells
Electric stimulation elicits photoreceptor-mediated natural responses in only a subset of OFF retinal ganglion cells for enhanced artificial vision
Enhanced optogenetic stimulation of retinal ganglion cells with assistive electric stimulation for low optical power artificial vision
Changes of HCN channels in the retina as a function of retinal degeneration
Molecular alteration in the isoforms of HCN channels within the retina during the advancement of outer retinal degeneration in rd10 mice
Exploring the pivotal role of mitochondria in retinal degeneration
Retinal degeneration increases variability of firing pattern in ganglion cells to light stimulation
A subtype of OFF retinal ganglion cells in the mouse retina elicits natural spiking activities in response to electric stimulation
Both spiking heterogeneity and neural information vary in the primary visual cortex depending on stimulus type