Artificial Vision & Neural Engineering
Electrical stimulation elicits homogeneous neural responses and reduces information transmission in OFF retinal ganglion cells
OFF types of mouse retinal ganglion cells are less sensitive to a change in electric stimulus charge than ON type
Visual and electrical spiking signatures of seven types of rabbit retinal ganglion cells
Non-rectangular waveforms are more charge-efficient for network-mediated responses of ON type retinal ganglion cells
Network-mediated responses of ON ganglion cells to electric stimulation alter over the course of retinal degeneration
Network-mediated responses of ON ganglion cells to electric stimulation become less consistent across trials during retinal degeneration,
Network-mediated responses of ON ganglion cells to electric stimulation become less consistent across trials during retinal degeneration
Network-mediated responses of ON ganglion cells to electric stimulation change over the course of retinal degeneration
Electric stimulus duration modulates network-mediated responses depending on ganglion cell type
Electric stimulus duration alters network-mediated responses depending on retinal ganglion cell type
Temporal properties of network-mediated responses to repetitive stimuli are different in ON vs. OFF retinal ganglion cells
Spatial properties of network-mediated response of retinal ganglion cells to electric stimulation
Network-mediated activation elicits strong correlations between light and electrical responses in ON but not OFF ganglion cells
Indirect activation elicits strong correlations between light and electrical responses in ON but not OFF ganglion cells
Implantable neural probes for chronic electrical recording and optical stimulation,