
Artificial Vision & Neural Engineering

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한양대학교 생체공학과 김안모 교수님: 초파리 시각 시스템 (2022년 09월 26일 (월) 오후 4시)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 조회 작성일 22-09-26 23:43


2022년 09월 26일 (월) 오후 4시
연사: 한양대학교 생체공학과 김안모 교수님, PhD
제목: Feedforward and feedback signaling in Drosophila vision
초록: When reading a book, our eyes move briskly from one word to another, resetting the retinal image a few times a second; yet, we perceive the book's page as stable. Our brains accomplish this remarkable feat by filtering out visual input during fast eye movements, and somehow stitching together images collected at different fixation points. As in this example, across animals and modalities, sensory processing does not merely involve a feedforward transduction of sensory stimuli but includes an interplay of the feedforward and feedback (or top-down) signaling. To understand detailed neural mechanisms underlying such processes, we performed whole-cell patch clamping, calcium imaging, and massive behavioral genetics experiments in tethered, flying Drosophila. We studied feedforward visual circuits involved in various visual behaviors, such as optomotor stabilization, bar fixation, spot avoidance, and loom avoidance. Then, we tested how these multiple visual pathways, acting simultaneously on the wing motor system, are orchestrated by a feedback signaling, called an efference copy. Based on these experimental results, we built an integrative model that closely predicts how a flying fruit fly steers its wings in response to different visual patterns, as an outcome of the feedforward and feedback signaling. The experimental and modeling studies together suggest that the feedback signaling is necessary for the animal to respond selectively and rapidly to multiple visual objects that could otherwise interfere with each other.


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